Face and Neck Lift

A rhytidectomy, or facelift, is a procedure that addresses the key problems pertaining to aging and the appearance of the face. The ideal candidate for a facelift demonstrates skin laxity (sagging skin) around the lower face, jowls, and has deep wrinkles around the corners of the mouth called marionette lines. When the muscles and soft tissues of the face fall down and forward the result is a tired and aged appearance.

A facelift addresses this sagging of the face by repositioning the underlying facial muscles to their correct position and removing any laxity of the skin. The result is effective in giving you a more rested and youthful look. Aging can also adversely affect the appearance of the neck. As we age the neck also develops skin laxity (sagginess), as well as vertical bands or folds. These folds are formed by the edges of a large thin muscle in the neck called the platysma muscle. There can also be accumulation of fat deposits that can diminish the definition of the neck. When these conditions are present, a cervicoplasty (necklift) coupled with the facelift can dramatically improve and restore a youthful appearance to the neck. Liposuction, as well as contouring of neck by tightening the platysma muscle, is a vital component of the facelift procedure and helps create a natural and rejuvenated appearing neck.

Dr. Kirkpatrick knows the needs of every patient are different. Individualized approaches are taken in both the treatment planning process and the facelift procedure. Dr. Kirkpatrick generally performs a two-layer, or SMAS facelift. The SMAS (Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic System) is made up of connective tissue which surrounds the muscles of the face. This layer can become lax over time, and it is essential to address the SMAS during a facelift. The result is a more natural and longer lasting outcome.

After the facelift procedure, a facial pressure dressing is applied. The dressing is removed by Dr. Kirkpatrick the following day. As with all surgery, there exists the possibility of complications. The most common complication following facelift surgery is hematoma. Hematoma refers to a collection of blood under the skin. If a hematoma develops, depending on its size, it may require intervention such as drainage, or re-operation. The current literature reports the incidence of hematoma to be about 3% in female facelifts. The incidence is slightly higher in males because of a greater blood supply in bearded skin. Patients should be aware that the incidence of this complication in Dr. Kirkpatrick’s hands is significantly lower. This likelihood is a result of multiple factors, including the gentle handling of the soft tissue and very careful, time-tested technique. Dr. Kirkpatrick is a Central Florida Board Certified Surgeon. He employs techniques that minimize the risk of complications to skin and muscle. He believes that the facelift is an elective procedure, and as such, all risk of nerve, muscle, or skin damage can and should be avoided.

Pre-Op Instructions Post-Op Instructions

Face the Results